Friday, March 16, 2007


I really thought I knew all there was to writing suspense, but I wanted more insight to mystery.

So at the Murder in the Grove conference, I had the honor to meet Carolyn Wheat and buy this book. On the plane ride home from the conference, I found myself immersed in this book like it was a real life page turning suspense roller coaster. Carolyn's insight on this genre is amazing and she should have said this was a foundation guide for mystery and suspense writing because anyone who picks up this book will no doubt after reading it, know how to write in this genre.

With easy to understand terminology, lots of examples and references, How to Write Killer Fiction is the bible for how to write mystery and suspense. I myself will treasure this book for years to come and will highly recommend it to any writers out there. Of course no ones touching my copy because its signed by the author. nah-nah!
Sylvia Hubbard, Author of Stone's Revenge

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