Tuesday, March 31, 2009

California Crime Writers Conference - June 13 & 14

Just a reminder that we're fast approaching CCWC, co-sponsored by Sisters in Crime/LA and the SoCal Mystery Writers of America. Best-selling authors Robert Crais and Laurie King will be the keynote speakers for the inaugural California Crime Writers Conference (formerly No Crime Unpublished) .

The two-day event will include an agents reception, forensics track, craft workshops, query and synopsis seminars, manuscript consultations, and classes for established authors on book contracts, e-publishing, presentation tips, online marketing information, and film/television opportunities.

To check out a list of Agents, Authors, Editors, and others who will be faculty at CCWC, view our websites: www.sistersincrimel a.com/ccwc. htm or www.socalmwa. com/ccwc. htm

We also provide information on our websites about advertising in our program as well as providing bookmarks/postcards for our Goodie Bags.
If there are any questions not answered on our website, please contact Diana James for advertising/ goodie bags: dianaojames@ sbcglobal. net

Diana James
President, SinC/LA

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