Saturday, November 22, 2008

Announcing ThrillerFest 2009


ThrillerFest 2009

2009 ThrillerFest Registration Now Open!
Save Now with Great Early Bird Rates

Register Online.jpg
Grand Hyatt Hotel
New York City
July 8-11, 2009


spir•it, n. A special attitude or frame of mind

ThrillerFest is Summer Camp for readers, fans, writers, industry professionals and those just looking for a great time! It's a place to see old friends and meet new ones.

It's with this spirit that we've begun our journey to ThrillerFest 2009. Again this year, we've got a phenomenal team working hard to make 2009 the best ThrillerFest on record. I'm proud to announce that Shirley Kennett will be the 2009 ThrillerFest Chairperson. Shane Gericke and Christine Kling join us as Assistant Chairs. Dennis Kennett joins us Registrar. And we are very fortunate to have Executive Director Liz Berry returning again this year to crack the whip, keep us all in line, and make sure we're having a great time as we work.

ThrillerFest 2009 will be upon us in a blink and we promise you that it will be the best one to date. We're already brewing up some very special surprises! Registration is open with great Early Bird rates. Register NOW! 

We can't wait to see you all in New York!

Kathleen Antrim
Vice President of National Events
International Thriller Writers


adventure, n. An exciting experience

ThrillerFest is an adventure for your mind, body, and heart.

Your mind will revel in the richness of the experience as you learn about new authors and rediscover in fresh ways ones you've loved for years. For aspiring authors, camaraderie, craft tips, professional networking, and rubbing shoulders with top thriller authors is all there for the taking.  

Your body will thank you when you finally retire at the end of a thrill-packed, fun, informative, and memorable day. Before you drift off, make your plans to do it all again the next day.

Your heart will stand still when you discover you're right next to the author you always wanted to meet, and that author is about to shake hands with you. Quick, snap a photo you'll treasure. Make friends, say hello, and join in. It'll be wall-to-wall thriller lovers, so you can't go wrong.

It's been very rewarding working on ThrillerFest the past three years, starting in Phoenix (hot!) in 2006, then two fabulous conferences in New York in 2007 and 2008. Serving as registrar put me right on the front lines, helping people sign up to attend and then answering their questions before and during the conference. If you've been to ThrillerFest, I've greeted you at the registration desk when you arrived. I want to thank Kathleen and the rest of the ITW Board of Directors for entrusting the role of 2009 ThrillerFest Chairperson to me.

Enough about me. ThrillerFest is about you!

A dedicated and talented team is working to make ThrillerFest 2009 exciting and unique. Consider us counselors for your Summer Camp experience. Anyone bring the marshmallows?

Shirley Kennett
2009 ThrillerFest Chairperson

International Thriller Writers

ITW Authors, register early if you're requesting
a panel assignment. Panels will fill quickly due to
increased demand. First to register, first to be assigned.

2008 Conference CDs (and a Banquet DVD)
available now!
Click here for information.

Sylvia Hubbard
Author, Blogger and Founder of Motown Writers Network
NOW AVAILABLE: Secrets, Lies and Family Ties

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